The problem i'm having is the images and link.
i've followed the walkthrough and everything went fine the templates are default ones so i used the html code from the zip file.
ran the installer and it created all the tables fine, except for the last bit the readme says.
Click next step and follow the instructions on screen. Eventually you'll get to a step near the end when you have to update your image paths. Make sure you edit these to make sure that the images on vBindex show correctly. If your button images are at you would either enter that URL or /forums/images/buttons for that sepcific loaction.
But i didn't get this after it made it's last table the next screen was a 404 error
also this bit i'm confused on
A number of vBulletin templates need to be edited to make sure that the JavaScript and navbar links work correctly. (See the install instructions for details of example default templates that will work).
The following HTML tags should be checked and edit to have $vboptions[bburl]/ placed in front of the filename (e.g. login.php would become /login.php):
I have not a clue where to find these ?
The VBINDEX is there in the control panel drop down boxes and radio buttons bt no images i take it this is linked to the IMAGE path problem.