Ryangel's Journal hack is in need of porting/improving for vB3.
Please check with admin of .org before attempting this to see if
this public permission will suffice as Ryangel is hard to contact.
no one (that I am aware of) is working on this. Kurafire is developing a Journal System totally separate from this...not a port of this hack.
There have been a couple of attempts but either the person has decided to keep their coding for their own purposes...or else their hack just didn't work.
Should anyone decide to attempt this, there is a hack posted at
evB that might provide a head-start on it. The hack does not work...but it comes darn close to it!
UPDATE: 3/31/04 This hack still needs to be ported...as Gary has decided to join forces with Kurafire in developing a system totally apart from this original hack.
So, once again, is anyone willing to attempt to port this hack from vB2?