I'm intrigued by this. I keep coming back to it, wondering if this is something that could be combined with Coppermine or with 4images to get the gallery integrated with the forum. I'm currently running 4images; it allows me to login etc. but logs me out as soon as someone else looks at the forum or the gallery. Drives me nuts. I'd like it to have the navbar across the top, but replace the search functionality with the gallery search (which I've done already once before I scrapped and started over -- basically built a search that looks like vbulletins but calls 4images code)
That gallery is installed into a different directory, but I see you've got the code here for the diff directory.
There is a hack that unfortunately no one is paying attention to anymore here that linked the user login/cp of vb3 to the 4images... so now what I'm curious about is getting basically this to work the other way around -- make the login/etc. work with the gallery.
Hmm... I suppose if I were to copy all the 4images html into these templates it may work.