Originally Posted by Pitman
Parse error: parse error in /****/****/public_html/forums/includes/functions.php on line 1795
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: exec_nocache_headers() in /****/****/public_html/forums/admincp/global.php on line 37
1. Upload your backup functions.php and re-do the changes for this hack
2. Replace line 1795 of your functions.php with this:
$debughtml .= " (<a href=\"" . htmlspecialchars_uni(SCRIPTPATH) . iif(strpos(SCRIPTPATH, '?') === false, '?', '&') . "tempusage=1\">Template Usage</a>) (<a href=\"" . htmlspecialchars_uni(SCRIPTPATH) . iif(strpos(SCRIPTPATH, '?') === false, '?', '&') . "explain=1\">Explain</a>)<br />\n";
1. and 2. : Do not use Dreamweaver for this!