Your making us download fullsize pictures for 62x62 or 50x50 display... so in other words on my forum it's sending 1mb photos for display in a format that could do it in 8000 bytes...
Here's the easy easy easy fix:
In recent_attachments template:
Change this:
PHP Code:
<img src='attachment.php?attachmentid=$recentattachment[attachmentid]' alt='$recentattachment[filename]' width="50" height="50">
PHP Code:
<img src='attachment.php?attachmentid=$recentattachment[attachmentid]&thumb=1' alt='$recentattachment[filename]' width="50" height="50">
Much more efficient. Now you download the thumbnail size photo rather than the fullsize version to be resized in the users browser.
Also consider using only 1 width or height value rather than both
this will allow the ratio between height and width to be maintained
since not all images are perfectly square.
Nice hack.
Clickin install.