Originally Posted by Dream
You are welcome  .
Smoker, made your jewels game, used the images of another guy who posted on this thread though. If you guys wish to install it, Id recomend you play the .swf first. I think the game never ends, but im not sure.
Yabba, the alien attack at flashkit came with no sound. Theres was a note from the creator on the zip that said if you wanted the sound files to email him, but I didnt.
That version of the Jewels game seems to end when there are no more moves available. It seemed to give me the "gameover man, gameover" sound bite from the film Aliens when it ended (after only 14level)s.
I know a lot of version just rearrange the pieces when there are no more moves available though, so that might be the reason most think it does not end.
I'll join in, with the converting when i'm sure that I am doing it properly, gonna test a couple of games first to make sure i am actually doing it right in the first place though, that Airfox game really did knock my confidence with it at the time.