Hello John,
First lemme say: AWESOME HACK!!
Everybody loves it
Install went smooth on RC4.
One prob though.... same as some others have posted: From time to time the highscores don't get submitted. I have 35 members playing the arcade since i installed it friday, and atm 602 games have been played. Of those games, 10 users reported a highscore submit failure (15 failures total on 600 games, about 2,5 percent), each time only if they got a new highscore.
When i look into the db i see this (15x)
INSERT INTO `gamesessions` VALUES (385 'asteroids' 13 1079106926 NULL NULL 'No Comment' 0 0 1 " NULL);"
Notice that the finish and ping are null
All other games sessions score fine.
I just spend 3 days reading all 3 arcade threads, which is over 1990 posts in 128 pages... omg! I know you told peepz over and over to check the code and i did (i use notepad for all c/p'ing). Can't find any error (not saying there is, but i can't find it if my life depended on it

I tried the solution from LightBringer: changing IE language settings to English (US) but most users have the language set correctly so that didn't solve it.
I can't try what Detomah did, upgrade to RC3 since i already run RC4. Too bad he never found the solution to the prob, it just "went away"....
I installed the hack on a fresh RC4 forum with no other hacks. I checked the db and there are no high pings, none that come close to the 4500 you mentioned earlier.
Hope i gave enough info and that someone here has any idea what the problem is or what i'm doing wrong.
The ++++ty part is, that if the error was randomly i couldn't care too much. But it happens when someone gets a new highscore and since the scores are getting higher and more difficult to beat, users get sad when their effort to finally beat a highscore doesn't get recorded
The funny thing is, i installed the hack on my gf's board too and she has no probs... yet (well not too funny actually