John -- You're doing a great job..... don't listen to these guys. The Arcade is inredibly popular on my board -- and I have close to 200 online users at a time. They love it!
The only gripe I had -- I came up with my own solution. It was with the high scores. The people who were champions were getting angry that they were losing their spot after a prune.
I just redid the code a little bit where I manually change these myself if someone breaks a score. The scores are so high anyhow -- I rarely have to change anything. It's a quick workaround until a better solution is in place. Mine is very "crude" to say the least.
I would personally be willing to donate or use my board as a testing ground for NetPlay.
If you can't go backwards and uninstall a hack -- you probably shouldn't be making modifications to your board anyhow.
Great work John!