Originally Posted by John
Thanks Detomah.
I've had a lot of rude emails from people (all of them anonymous, I might add) - a lot of them *demanding" changes, new additions, and new games. That's where things start to annoy me. When people go so far as to make demands (and in one case, a threat) for work to be done, I lose all interest in what I'm doing here.
I would love to convert games, code free addons, etc. for a living - but since that isn't an option, I have to earn money another way. Please be patient, this whole thing is give, give, give. I don't get anything back, and I don't expect to - I'd be happy with just a little more consideration from some people!
I'm sorry to hear about the emails you've been receiving. I remember getting your email address a couple months ago, and emailing you a couple questions. Who in their right mind would
demand more games, add-ons, etc?

I hope you don't hault the converting of more games just because of a couple people that chose not to be polite.
I appreciate the work you've put into it, John. I really do. And my members love the arcade hack! If you choose to, I look forward to seeing some more games. Take your time, though.