I also have a big dislike to IE, but as a designer of a range of sites, I have to support it, and as 90% of the world still uses IE, why not just process the output of the vB rendering process thru this function ...
PHP Code:
* replacePngTags - Justin Koivisto [W.A. Fisher Interactive] 7/1/2003 10:45AM
* Modifies IMG tags for MSIE5+ browsers to ensure that PNG-24 transparencies
* are displayed correctly. Replaces original SRC attribute with a transparent
* GIF file (spacer.gif) that is located in the same directory as the orignal
* image, and adds the STYLE attribute needed to for the browser. (Matching
* is case-insensitive.
* @param $x String containing the content to search and replace in.
* @result Returns the modified string.
function replacePngTags($x){
// make sure that we are only replacing for the Windows versions of Internet
// Explorer 5+, and not Opera identified as MSIE
if(!isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) ||
!preg_match($msie,$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) ||
return $x;
// OK, time to find all the IMG tags with ".png" in them
$atts=''; $width=0; $height=0;
// If the size is defined by styles, find
preg_match_all('/style=".*(width: ([0-9]+))px.*'.
'(height: ([0-9]+))px.*"/Ui',$v,$arr2);
if(is_array($arr2) && count($arr2[0])){
// size was defined by styles, get values
// size was not defined by styles, get values
if(is_array($arr2) && count($arr2[0])){
if(is_array($arr2) && count($arr2[0])){
if(isset($arr2[1][0]) && !empty($arr2[1][0]))
// We do this so that we can put our spacer.gif image in the same
// directory as the image
if(strlen($image_path)) $image_path.='/';
// end quote is already supplied by originial src attribute
$replace_src_with=$image_path.'spacer.gif" style="width: '.$width.
'px; height: '.$height.'px; filter: progidXImageTransform.'.
'Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src=\''.$image.'\', sizingMethod='.
// now create the new tag from the old
// now place the new tag into the content
return $x;
or if that causes a performance hit (which it might/will for IE users), add the function itself to includes/functions.php, and add the function call manually to the individual locations where you have
<img src="someimage.png" alt="image with transparency" />
I don't see it as a big issue at all ... if IE can't handle it, then force IE to handle it ... but there is a tool to deal with it built into IE - a filter Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader which will properly render the transparency ...
originally posted on vb.com ... http://www.vbulletin.com/forum/showp...5&postcount=20