IM thinking about installing this --- but I have a few questions first.. (im a 10 day old newbie so please be gentle)
First this part in the instructions confused me:
Integrating with your board
Use these links:
local_links.php?action=links : Browse the database at top level
local_links.php?action=links&catid=nn : Browse the database starting at category nn
local_links.php?action=search : Set up a search
local_links.php?action=jump&id=nn : Anti-leech jump to link/file nn, incrementing hit counter
local_links.php?action=admin : Admin control, including links validation (normally admins only)
local_links.php?action=logjumps&start=yyyy-mm-dd&end=yyyy-mm-dd : Admin access to
see who downloaded/jumped to what
local_links.php?action=cleanjumps&start=yyyy-mm-dd&end=yyyy-mm-dd : Admin access to
clear out log of who downloaded/jumped to what
local_links.php?action=show&forum=nn : Display entries associated with forum nn
local_links.php?action=show&check=0 : Display entries that failed the latest site validation
local_links.php?action=show&check=1 : Display entries that passed the latest site validation
local_links.php?action=show&check=-1 : Display those entries that are invalid
WHat am I suppose to do here?
Second, how do I get this to add a option to the navbar?
Third, is there a way to add the banner for the link?
Again, im new, I dont know html, and am just muddling my way along...
