Originally Posted by ogden2k
I don't see why you're being so hostile. I was trying to have a simple debate on the uninstaller. 
I'm sorry but having read the discussion you've created over the simple issue of uninstalling, I find you extremely ungrateful with your approach to this, John has put a hell of a lot of effort into this arcade and people should be thankful if they get any support at all to be honest as John gives support entirely in his own time and off his own back, that and the fact this is meant to be a site for people who have some capability of running a website properly. Anyone who feels they have enough craft to be running a beta version of Vbulletin in the first place, should at least make the effort to learn the basics of running a website and very basic programs such as phpmyadmin, mysql and vBulletin, etc, rather than basically hounding the developer of an excellent hack over mainly very basic issues and therefore stunting the development of future addons and game releases.
I don't think most people seem to realise that they are getting something that is completely free that a lot of companies would charge for and that any support given by John is as said above, completely off his own back and in his own time.... and when most of the problems people bombard him with are very basic and have mainly been asked and answered several times if people bothered to read through the thread first.
There have been a few hundred successful installs of the arcade hack now, virtually all perfectly first time, or in certain cases after correcting the mistakes the person installing the arcade has made themselves. Virtually every potential problem people may come across has been brought up several times and every single one of these problems has ended up being the error of the installer or their hardware, not the arcade itself. It installs and runs seemlessly every time when done right.
Ok yeah, an uninstaller would be nice, but it takes so little knowledge and effort to delete any redunant tables ("drop table" - not difficult really is it), whereas it would take a lot longer for John to make an uninstaller, which to be honest is completely not needed anyway, as virtually every forum running this hack would suffer a severe decline in users if the arcade was suddenly no longer available.
forum4games - There was a steady flow of games being released, but due to one spiteful nasty person, it's kind of dried up a little at the moment. John is probably very busy at the moment anyway which would explain a slight dry patch, as he is developing addons and the likes for the arcade (besides his r/l work commitments and the likes), so i'd recommend just sitting tight and wait to see what comes next.

There is also the fact that he has asked other people to convert games and release them for the arcade, with full instructions being in the other arcade thread.