this is from kura's website:
This system will accomodate both reviews and tutorials (and whatever other functions you can come up with that require the same data type & content structure). Since this will prove to be the most challenging add-on, I've postponed this to AFTER the Journal System and the UQH. I know that this disappoints some people, but the Journal system was announced much earlier and as far as I can tell, far more people want the JS than this one. That, and I already have a vB2 JS and UQH so those are more easily done (for me), as I'm already familiar with the code required for such applications, unlike Reviews / Tutorials, where I have to invest time into entirely new things (image handling on a large scale, for instance).
While on this topic, though, I'd like to know from all people who are interested in the Reviews / Tutorials system:
Would you rather have multi-page reviews/tutorials handled via extra page reloads, or via javascript (with a bigger initial download, but much easier navigating through pages). PLEASE POST YOUR OPINION BELOW!
Allowing an admin-option switch for this is a possibility, but then all pages would definitely be stored in one large blob of text and simply split up on request, which means that every page of a review/tut you read will fetch the ENTIRE review/tut but only show a part. Since that's not entirely efficient, I'd like to know what the utilizers of this hack think, before making any decision on that.
ETA: can't possibly give any reliable indication for this one, so I'm not going to.
looks like we wont be seeing this for some time