I pay for my hacks, this is what I need
OK, I am in the trucking board industry
I am listed #1 in my keywords in Yahoo, 4th or 5th in google.
This is what I need for search engine content placement
I want every thread in every individual forum to have at the end of it or in the subject line example FedEx Topic: raise
or like
Yellow Freight Topic : Contract issues
you see where I am going with this?
I want this automatically inserted in the thread title (forum name) in each individual forum
This WILL maximize the search robots in placing content appropriately in my mind
I have about 35-40 forums on my VBULL and it is VERY successful but I want more
I will pay for this service as I always do for specific asked for mods
If this is possible please respond, I am in a very heated battle here against some very formidable opponents