I have some questions for modifying that great hack.
1. I know it is not supportet, but what have I to modify to use view.php in an other directory? (instead of site.com/forum/view.php I would like to see it in site.com/view.php)
2. How can I get templates generated by the vbhome lite hack working in the THEMES (Parent WebTemplates)? I would like to include:
- home_loggedinusers
- home_newposts
- home_userloggedin
- home_userloggedout
- home_threadbit
- home_welcomeguest
- home_welcomeuser
3. How can I use WebQuery to show all (or latest 5) headlines of all Webtemplates created for a category? How can I show all headlines of all categories? The Headlines should be links to the full Artikle (Webtemplate page).
thank you a lot