Thank you very much Ashley.
The reason for not seeying it anymore in the link I gave, was because I removed it after posting my previous message.
1.) I found the answer for question 1 myselve.
2.) For question 2, that's the login screen when installing the hack, the sidebare is visible in that screen too and that's what I don't want.
3.) Thank you, I understand that one, but say you want to put in there things you use for the board like "mark all forums read", it would not be <a href="mark forums read"> would it? That is wat I mean, what should i punt in there then maybe <a href="$markread"> or something like that?
Than another problem occurred. Forumhome display looks good. Thread display looks good too, but when opening a thread or posting a reply, the screen is suddenly to wide, if anyone would have a solution for that problem I would be happy too and maybe reinstall it. But if there was a navbar which only appears on the forumhome and threads display it's oke for me too, I don't need it to appear in login screen, posting & reply display.