Well imo the fact that the thread was even there stured up the trouble, even if it was not intended. Even if I did moderate the posts im willing to bet they would have come pouring back in within a matter of minutes.
At any rate I belive removing the entire thread was the better option in this case, or have you all forgotton the multiple threads we have had in the past month over the same issues that have gone the same way?
BTW I did not see him advertising when I moved the thread but that dose not mean he was not doing so. Filburt might have thought that is why I moved it as I did not leave a deletion notice.
Anyway this was not a call I wanted to make as I think an admin should have made it but noone where around at the time like I said, if they fell it was the wrong thing to do im sure they will restore the thread, otherwise it will probbly stay right where it is at.