Our goal is making people happy, not journal competition so sure
Alright, here's the deal
the vb2 edition had comments per entry, the people at shinra prefered their comments to be threaded. so we modified that (example
http://www.shinraonline.com/board/jo...journalid=2359 )
In order for it to still act much like the old system. To make it work with your upgrade script, i've modified how it adds comments.
so when you have an entry such as...

to make a comment you hit discuss and come back with a link like...
shinraonline.com/board/journal.php?s=&action=comments&journalid=786&entry id=9190
and inside my code it checks to see if the person still wanted to comment on on that topic...
PHP Code:
if (isset($entryid) && $entryid != "")
$testtitle = $DB_site->query_first("SELECT title FROM
journal_entry WHERE entryid=$entryid");
$testtitle[title] = "Re: " . $testtitle[title];
$subject = addslashes(htmlspecialchars($subject));
if ($subject != $testtitle[title])
$entryid = 0;
} else {
$entryid = 0;
$insert_comment = $DB_site->query("INSERT INTO journal_comments
(commentid, title, comment, timestamp, entryid, journalid, userid) VALUES
('commentid+1', '$subject',
'".time()."', '$entryid', '$journalid', '$bbuserid')");
best way to make it compatible is to have it check the timestamp of all comments tied to entryid=0 and check it with the timestamps of the journal entries and insert them where appropriate.
I'll be releasing this in a matter of days or less, so you can figure it all out from there.