Originally Posted by nuke
So does the hack run in RC4 or not? I included him but i can?t set the hole hack to enabled, he always sets it back to No when I choose Yes and save.
Yes I have it running in RC4, but still not updating posts after the first time..unless I delete all news and update then it will post..
The first time I installed it, it was enabled, I disabled it til I was ready in case I had to do an emergency shutdown due to server overload ..Well it wouldn't enable..I thought it was because of the code changes I made that were posted in this thread on top of the changes in the zip..Since my site is in it's infancy, and I'm not a coder, yet. I just started from scratch and reinstalled everything and just used the changes in the zip and it stayed enabled..Haven't disabled it since..The only other changes I made was TomokiG's in the index.php and forumdisplay.php and that stopped the update running every time you went in the forum..
Some thoughts,
1. The ability to delete a bot and all references to it..As it is now, unless you reassign the bot to another user before deleting the user, you will get database errors when you run the update.. maybe deleting the forumid and userid in the bot will delete it, not sure and I don't have my test server reloaded yet to test..
2. The ability to have 1 userid to multitask, for instance, a yahoo bot for each topic with one userid that will update each topic with their respective feed..I tried it and it will post the first topic but not any other..
3. I guess the biggest thing is getting the update to work without deleting old news..no one has said they are updating their forums, just that they can get the update to run from a cron. I too can get it to run, or so it says. For some reason there is no log entry that it has run, and the timestamp for the next run has moved up to the next hour..and still no new posts..I don't wanna delete thenews everytime to get new headlines, cause then if someone posts a reply to a particular thread, the subject of the thread is gone and anyone just coming in would not understand what is being discussed..
Xyphen, awesome job on this..Noone has come close to what you have accomplished with this hack..can hardly wait for 2.0 to come out..thnx