Originally Posted by TomokiG
After installing and testing the hack I had a very big problem... I used a very slow RSS (I think their server lagged) and my database nearly broke down...
I think that more users were at the same time checking the test-RSS and got into a conflict...
At that point I began remodelling your Hack, removing your modifications at index.php and forumdisplay.php and creating a cron-job (which vB3 provides).
That way I solved two annoying problems:
1. The slowdown by getting the RSS every time forumdisplay or index is used
2. Reduction of traffic
3. Reducing the risk of IP-Banning
I'll send you the cron-version... feel free to use it ^^
I could use this also if u could post it for me plz..
I too noticed refresh was taking longer as I added more feeds..needs to refresh from the cron only.. which when i run the rssupdate no new post are posted..i have one from worldpress that updates every 30 mins but doesn't after initially getting first load..the rss_update says completed but no new entries..
here is my site in it's infancy,
http://www.newsoutlet.info/forums/index.php you can view the site..if not let me know..
I like the admincp option..would like to see this expanded on, for instance to have the ability to delete a bot..deleting the user does not delete the bot and u will get db errors unless u phpadmin in and manually make changes..
Would like to see if there is a way having to create a new user for each feed..have tried to create 2 bots using same user but post in different forums..the first bot will post but not the second..so have to create a new user for each bot..
I can live with everything except the updating issue..is anyone else getting regular updates?
This is still an awesome hack with alot of potential..just wish I was a coder, to exploit the potential..
Well any help or pointers would be appreciated