We have 4 forums connected like this. Some things needed to be restricted such as styles. We don't permit users to choose styles. But they can register on any of the four and read PMs on any of the four and edit their profiles on any of the four. It also required special admin code to handle post count updating, username editing, username deleting, etc. Not an easy hack since so many things are touched or need adjusting.
Once we go to vb3, we plan on supporting styles better so that a user can have different styles on our various forums.
I think some of the reasons you don't see this hack written up are 1) it is very complicated and customized making any writeup and support equally complex and 2) it can create problems such as increased table locking. We never published it because our hack was not entirely our own--we had help. We also don't want to be the cause of increased license violations which we felt this hack could cause.