I have my vB license but I just don't have time right now for a website, I am starting to work on a personal website with 30 second clips of me screwing around so I am not going to have time for a vBulliten. I have three domains I can let the person use if they want to do something with this ...
www.enterxment.com (media, entertainment, wrestling many ideas)
www.virtualhogwarts.org (the name is Harry Potter related)
www.destinyislands.com (Kingdom Hearts, but could be for gaming or whatever you really wanted)
My license runs around I think in the 7th month of the year, but if the site kicks off good, I'll renew it and by a owned license.
The only thing I ask is this, I can be a Admin/Co-Owner or something to do with the site. Here are the things you'll have to come up with, plain and simple ... hosting. I can't host the forums due to I just don't have an income right now. But if you want to use 1/3 of my domains then you don't have to buy a domain. If you would like to use your own domain and I like the idea of the site or it interests me. Reply here, the first person that I believe is worthy of the license, I?m not going to like give you the rights to the license or whatever, but ill change the DSN to your hosting if you want to use my domain, and I will change the vB license over to our new site.
Any takers?
- LP