Originally Posted by Madacc
But you see, if the rules stated to roll a d20, and they typed /roll 18 20 the message would state:
** A Magic Die is rolled by Person
** It could have been any number from 18 to 20 and it turned up a 18
And as you can see, he didn't roll correctly. Everyone can see that he rolled 18-20 which is not correct. So, if you state the ground rules, d20 = /roll 1 20 then you can easily catch bad rolls.
Any plans to make this vbb3.0 compatible?
In addition, it would be nice if the dice roll did not have to be on a post by itself. Maybe on its own line, but by itself makes it hard. Afterall, the user has to post his move in the rpg and then make a seperate post with his dice roll? A bit cumbersome.