Originally Posted by snakes1100
Ok, didn't do none of the mod's for admin, but it's running fine on rc4, just wanted to let you all know.
One note to the coder of this fine chat, think you should fix the template or at least add instructions to the install file, so ppl know to edit the path.
Thanx, nice hack.
The admin functions don't prevent the chat from running. All they do is allow better management of chat permissions through VB usergroups. (such as banning a certain usergroup from using chat, or assigning a group as chat moderators).
Also, I dont believe some of the mod functions (such as /kick) work properly with usernames with spaces in them at the moment.
I've made a few tweaks to the software which I've sent to fleccy to do some of the above. I've got a few more bits to finish off, after which I'll send him a new build. All working OK on my site at the moment though.