Hi Dan,
thx for your reply!
Of course, it sems to be somehow senseless, but I ty to explain.
I need more than the one input in the editor, because I want (somehow) "force" the user to give special information. And for those who are not so used to www, PC & Co. it is more easy, when there appears this input-fields.
The board - it's not ready yet - will be for cars and spareparts; so it will be fine, if I get the users to input:
e.g. i.)brand of car / ii.)type / iii.)year /iv.) price ... and so on--------> to let it appear in the threads SUBJECT or TITLE ROW above the message.
The "Nowplayig-Hack" helped me to change my db, to insert the additional fields etc. I must say that I'm an absolute beginner and that this hack took me a lot of steps forward - although I don't need, what the hack is for originally! So I appreciate the hack and the work the author did!!!
Everything is working with it - but only my "connected" thread-title appears, when showthread.php is opened - I want it to be seen also, when forumdisplay.php is opened.
And being searchable should this "puzzled" title too - I gess now it is clear why.
I hope now it is understandable, what I mean.
Maybe through this it can be possible to add to the "Nowplaying-Hack" something like a "Boost-Your-editor-Hack"...?
Thanks for your attention,
best regards from
btw: sorry for my poor English...! :disappointed: