Originally Posted by Tradjick
...installing 0.95...
1) Your install instructions don't mention to upload the template.xml
That's what confused me a little on Step 2.
2) When editing a category it says that I don't have the permissions, although I didn't change permissions and am logged in as admin.
->when this happens, the category is deleted
->but still appears in the link statistics
I have the same thing.
Added a Category
Edit - The Edit-Screen opend.
By clicking on Save the NoPermissions Screen come up.
No I moved to administer.
Klicked on the new Forum created. No Permission.
In Links Home it is no longer avaiable.
In Administration I see it.
I set the ForumID to a negative Number for turning off the Forum-System.
I miss the Image-Field to enter an Image for the Link/Category... In Beta3 it was gone...