I have installed this successfully on RC3 and I have to say - GREAT HACK !!!
I followed the txt instructions and there were some differences in the codes quoted and what are in my phps but that was only a minnor problem. Also I spotted one very small error. In awards.php line 179 should be:
PHP Code:
<td class=\"$bgclass\" align=\"center\"><img src=\"../$award[icon_url]\" border=\"0\"></td>
Instead of ...
PHP Code:
<td class=\"$bgclass\" align=\"center\"><img src=\"$award[icon_url]\" border=\"0\"></td>
(You missed out the ../ and as a result the images don't preview in the admin cp)
2 questions ...
1) How do I split the awards up. Currently they are directly next to each other with no spaces.
3) Any chance of some more medals/awards/trophy images being posted?
Thanks Again Great Work