Originally Posted by klaattu
I had the same problem but I fixed it (also If I pressed new thread nothing would come up).
First Check you downloaded the last version of the hack (ver.4.2 I think)
Secong Check the instructions to the letter and use a good text editor to remove any parsing problems or weird caracters on the changes to the .php. files bbedit is a good one (select the part of the hack and choose ZAP GREMLINS.
Also I have noticed 2 things:
First: when performing the changes to the replacements put the path correctly or else you wont get images/or in some cases anything
Last put on the home page options (on the Admin panel) 2 or 3 forums that have had recent activity and save then run the install script again (but dont reinstall it just press the upper part on REINDEX threads (or something to that efect)
Voila it will work like charm
yes i downloaded vbHL v 4.2
I did all this exept i used html-kit to edit. replacements i have images/ forum.
put several active threads in the admin cp
indexed articles still, blank page.
i got a headache from this hack lol thanks for the help btw.