@ TheMasterG:
Nominally, a hack should not be installed when there's a mistake in it. There are various ways of going around the 'safety measures'. The easiest would just be to manually update the hack's status in your database. To do so, verify what hackid it has, then run this query:
UPDATE hack SET atstep=-1 WHERE hackid=
Note 1) keep in mind that if you're using a table prefix, you have to add that before "hack";
Note 2) replace
THATHACKID with the hackid, of course
Other ways are, for example, to just delete it, upload the new .htl file (the one that isn't faulty), import that to the database (NO real install!), then edit that hack and disable all steps that you've already done, and then save & do a real install for that hack, thus continuing where you left off.
@ NuclioN:
I don't really get what you mean...