Originally Posted by Xenon
With this Hack your Mods can edit really everything of a user account, nearly as much as an Admin can! (Changing usergroups....)
But it is very customizable, too. If you don't want em to change usergroups, then they can't. Or you can define which usergroups they can move the users into..
Also if you add if-clauses in the front section to the hack, you can customize it to which of your mod can modify which fields..
this block in front of the hack code defines nearly everything you need to customize the hack:
$canedit[addresses]=1; // HP, Email, ICQ, AIM ...
$canedit[avatars]=1; // 0 Cant edit, 1 Can edit, 2 Can upload custom avatars
$canedit[changegroups]=0; // Mods can move users from one group to another (just groups included in $canedit[usergroupids])
$canedit[usergroupids]="1 2 3 4 10 11"; // Which usergroups can be edited
Screenshots in following Posts
Xenon, could you please add the option for the moderator to be able to moderate new registrations?
That would be very handy :squareeyed: