I'm new to vBulletin and v3 Arcade. I installed Candidate Release 3 (the only one offered when I registered). Anyway the first thing I did was install v3 arcade. Everything went well and I was like the preverbial pig in **** on my work PC (Win 2000 and Explorer 5).
People were mentioning that they couldn't get to the arcade as they were'nt a registered member. This seemed to be like the problem posted earlier by Cheeky however the file you suggested to correct (global.php) was already OK.
This problem seems to be a third party cookie issue (someone told me that, I don't know)
Can anyone shed any light on this? Is it a vBulletin thing? Is it just a general problem that users would have to set a very low privacy rating on their browser?
Dazed and Confused