Originally Posted by BlackxRam
ENORMOUS BUG IN V3 ARCADE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Scores in challeneges MEAN nothing! When someone gets a top score from a challenge and its set on use challenge scores for the Record table.. It will NOT use that as your HIGH SCORE! If someone beats teh SECOND place score, in all of their posts and in the arcade statistics will say they are the champ BUT in the arcade it will still say I have it but I wont get credit. For a example of this, click here to my ARCADE SCORES:
Now click play game. You wont see my top score. This happened the other day as well, someone beat my SECOND PLACE top score and THEY got the TROPHY but i was STILL listed as 1st place in the table. Even the icons go to the person in second place.
This is a big problem for people who will have a first place score and people constantly change positions in 2nd place.
You almost scared me there. I thought that it was something serious.
"Don't die blundy", it's only a game