Originally Posted by tamarian
No one is asking anyone to touch anything  This is a simple yes/no question directed to the vBulletin.org administrators or moderators regarding the hack rules posted, with the relavent part in quotes.
I was just staing my personal opinion along with an answer that I believe is correct.
The rules announcement leaves a lot to be desired though - besides the fact that there are probably rules that aren't even in there (as was the case with the HTL deal), it seems that it is just a copy of the vB2 announcement with a few things changed. Here's a big dose of contradiction(sp?) right here:
As there seems to be some confussion as to what is allowed and what is not I'll clear it up:
* PHP Include hacks/modifications are allowed, and should normally go in the mini-mods forum as they are adding PHP Code.
* Hacks or addons with additional PHP files included or those which make one or more edits to standard vBulletin files.
* Template modifications that add a new level of functionality to vBulletin through the use of conditionals and PHP Include system.
Hacks are PHP code changes, nothing more and nothing less. As a rule, remember that if your 'hack' can be done solely from the Admin Control Panel, then it does not qualify as a hack. Furthermore, hacks are not template changes. If you have a cool idea that is based solely on editing templates (excluding PHP Include hacks, which should go in the Mini-Mods section) - should be released on vBulletin Templates.