Originally Posted by filburt1
I wasn't necessarily talking about XHTML compliance but 80-character-line-limits, accessibility compliancy including section 508, etc.
Queue a developer to retaliate, but I feel that my opinions are valid.
REAL accessibility starts with
complete Webstandards compliance, so the architecture should be:
1) fully compliant XHTML 1.1 Trans or better;
2) fully compliant CSS and as meaningful markup as possible;
3) Section 508 compliance;
4) WCA G compliance;
Just going for 508 compliance without even so much as a doctype won't really cut the bill. Sure, it may work for screenreaders, but you cannot justifiably use the phrase "we are compliant with all accessibility requirements".
Anyhoo, I understand the difference, just didn't think about it when I made the first post
Oh, and ESPN uses a cgi-based board on the MSN Network. ;p