Filburt i wouldnt of said that unless i meant it, like i say im no coder etc im just a desginer.... sheeesh lol
ultiemately none of us will ever really use nor need this software, nor will anyone heer pay those prices... excpet big companys so who cares? i dont i have vb and for what i need it,ll do for now
*hmm may have contradicted myself a little ah well like i say what do i know eh filby
tho i would think theyre would be a tonne of free or small price and well coded, php , or asp alternatives to this..... that like u say dont have calendars etc and are for users wantin a quick post help
also u talk of revenue... im not sure how your gonna generate cash by running a forum with no ads thats a support resource, possibley on a free service.
i guess its the scneario ur in eh