I have the code you said in bugs_addbug but there is no submit
see for yourself
your second fix also does not work I still get
Invalid SQL: DELETE FROM bugtypes WHERE typeid=
mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax near '' at line 1
when I click remove then yes
when I click on edit bug with template names turned on i get this:
<!-- END TEMPLATE: navbar -->
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" class="tborder" width="100%" align="center"><tr><td>
<table cellpadding="6" cellspacing="1" border="0" width="100%">
<p align="right" class="smallfont"></p>
<p align="center" class="smallfont">
vB-Bugs 0.1 Alpha (C) 2004 by <a href="http://www.planet-liebe.de/vbb/member.php?u=2610" target="_new">Kirby</a></p>
<!-- BEGIN TEMPLATE: footer -->
so it seems it does not call your templates