Wow, congratulations on the lack of class there, John. Not once have I come into your thread and said anything bad about your hack. And I'd love to hear about all the "useless" features of vbProArcade.
NO ONE has seen my latest incarnation of the vB2 arcade, and there was nothing wrong with the coding of the old ones, either. There was a single query loop that I had not worked around because at the time there were all of five games. Instead of saying "I've heard this..." why don't you point out the parts that are poorly coded, hmm?
Your coding is far from flawless (in fact, nobody's is flawless, and anybody who says their code is flawless is simply showing their ignorance). Look no further than the way you are having people modify Flash games.
The last thing I want is to start a war with you; I see no reason why you should have come in here and posted that.