Originally Posted by PhotoPost
From their "no need for support forum forums"
hyperion, Dev Team member:
Let me clue you in:
This is not a commercial product. It is FREE.
Therefore, you have no right to demand tech support.
Also, as it is free, no one really cares if you move to Photopost. Open source is not a genitalia measurment contest.
Your server may have been running itself for the last four years; I doubt you had anything to do with it.
Judging by the Support fourms, you're a little over confident of the code itself. But, more people need help installing their application than need help fixing it. Having someone to be able to help them when their server isn't configured properly or don't understand something is alot better than getting flammed and told they could care less what you do.
Like I said, do your homework and pick whats best for you.
Sort of like being told to go to PhotoPost Dev and getting answers like
PhotoPost support is handled on the photopost.com forums, not here. This forum is for people coding modifications for PhotoPost.
I'm not sure, but I believe you have to modify the includes/functions_online.php file to include case statements for the files (around line 1237).
We do have alot more people looking for help than offering at this point. I hope that will change soon, but until it does some requests may be dififcult to fill.
Could the support on the coppermine forum be "friendlier"? Possibly. But I think that about a lot of places from time to time.
I don't think this is the correct place to get into a pi$$ing match over which is a better product or has better support. Each product has its advocates and detractors. If Coppermine can get to a point that it can be made to integrate with the look & feel of vb then it will make a lot of people that like free s/w very happy. Those that want to continue to pay for products can chose to do so as well.