I'm not using either right now but have played around with vBindex.
On my vB3 installations I'm going with a 'no hacks' policy - at least for now. I can deal with added files or template mods but I think I'm done hacking vB files - it makes it too hard to upgrade and I'm getting old and cranky
vBindex needs a little work but doesn't require you to modify any vB files so once they get a few more of the bugs worked out I'll give it a shot. Right now I'm using a <VirtualHost> redirect to get folks to the board - it works a lot better than my old <meta refresh> deal did and it only cost me $20 to get somebody from rentacoder to show me how to do it
I've had nothing but joy getting the features in my much-modded vB 2.3.0 board to work under vB3 and had to port a fair bit of data over to new applications but so far have it all working except vBtrader and a journal package I had working under vb2.
So - rather than lose functionality I choose a 'no more file mods' policy - at least for the time being.
Sorry about being long-winded, but once they get things smoothed out a little I think vBindex gets the nod from me.
BTW - I did lie just a little. My photopost integration thingie required a one-line include in index.php - but that's the last file mod I think I'm doing