Originally Posted by dgessler
Anyone know why after I installed the script, it works fine, but for the top and bottom of the archive pages I get this error:
Warning: main(): stream does not support seeking in /home/aimforum/public_html/archive/index.php on line 103
Dan Gessler
Mod_mime - You will NEED mod_mime to run these scripts. Mod_mime is a free module which enables a directive called "ForceType". This allows you to use the .htaccess file included to force your files into php mode, which allows simple URL's, without .php in them. If you can see the front page of your archive, but get an error page when you click on any links then this is your problem. To fix it, you will need to install mod_mime, or ask your host to do it. It's a FREE module. For more information, visit