Originally Posted by MK@spug.net
We appreciate all the time you've spent on this hack and on support issues John.
There's what appears to be a bug in the system with regards to challenges and the champion. If a user wins the top score of the game through a challenge, the medal does not appear in his posting (in the forum, under his name). It's however reflected correctly on in the Arcade high score for that game.
User reporting bug on my site: http://www.spug.net/showthread.php?t=51060
High score for Maeda Path: http://www.spug.net/arcade.php?do=scores&name=maeda
roychang is the winner but he won it through a challenge. He's correctly listed as the winner in the Arcade. However, in his posting ( http://www.spug.net/showthread.php?t=51060), you'll notice that the title does not appear under his name. The title appears under the name of the user dm318, who got second place in Maeda Path playing the normal game (instead of the challenge).
John, thanks for the fix of includes/cron/arcadeupdate.php . I suppose that this will stop future occurance of such a problem but will it fix the problem in the past? I've uploaded the new php a few days back but dm318 is still displayed as the Maeda Path champion in postings.