Add-on (for v2.0 only.. this comes standard in v2.1)
Require a link to the actual timeslip for all ETs that are 11.99 or quicker.
This bit of javascript will check the 1/4 mile ET field and the timeslip link field. If the 1/4 mile ET is less than 12.00 and the timeslip link field is empty, users will get a small pop-up box when they click the submit button telling them that a timeslip is required for ETs that are 11.99 or quicker.
Of coarse you can easily change it to any ET for the slip requirement.
In your modifytimeslip template find:
<form action="profile.php" method="post" id="profileform">
Replace it with:
<script language="javascript">
function validate(theform) {
if ((theform.field55.value<12) && (theform.field55.value>0) && (theform.field57.value=="")) {
alert("A link to your timeslip is required if your 1/4 mile ET is 11.99 or quicker.");
return false; }
<form action="profile.php" method="post" id="profileform" onSubmit="return validate(this)">