Originally Posted by tnguy3n
go to phpMyAdmin. In user table, browse for your id (should be id#1 if you were admin), then change usergroupid = 6.
Step 1.
Access phpMyAdmin
browse to the user table
find your username, if you installed the board you will be userid 1 if you didnt you may be a differnt number so please search for your name
once youve done that change your usergroupid to 6
make a note of what userid you are, your going to need it in a moment
Step 2
connect via FTP to your host and edit your config.php file found in root/forumdirectory/includes/config.php
$superadministrators = '';
it may also look like this
$superadministrators = '1';
If your userid is not in it add it so it looks like this
$superadministrators = 'X';
if it has another id that is not yours and you just need to add your userid use this
$superadministrators = '1,X';
replace X with YOUR userid.
Step 3
Login to your Admincp youll notice that your access is rather limited
so point your browser at this
Click on Edit Permissions
Click on All Yes and save.
You've now restored your access to the AdminCP

have a nice day