You have to eval different templates.
for example you have the games sonic_heroes and sonic adventures
You would create php code like this:
PHP Code:
$defaultgame = "sonicbattle2" ;
if ( empty ( $game ) ) :
$game = $defaultgame ;
endif ;
eval ( "\$gametemplate = \"" . gettemplate ( $game ) . "\" ;" ) ;
eval ( "dooutput ( \"" . gettemplate ( "game_review" ) . "\" ) ;" ) ;
exit ;
Then to link the games you would have links like:
<a href="gamereview.php?game=sonic_heroes">Sonic Heroes</a>
<a href="gamereview.php?game=sonic_adventure">Sonic Adventure</a>
This is on the assumption that each review has its own template and that the game_review template is the base template in the php file gamereview.php
Hope that helps somewhat.