OK ... finally figured this out. Wanted to share it with you all to show my support for all the great work you're all doing here !!!
Keep in mind that I'm using vB3 RC#3.
I also want to thank Kentaurus for his help above, without which I would never have gotten started in the right direction!
I'm not sure if this really qualifies as a 'Hack', so I'm simply going to place the instructions on how I did this ... feel free to move it to the appropriate location if it isn't here ... lol ... or if you need me to start a new post, just let me know where and I'll do it next time I'm here !!!
Intructions on how to add unique 'Introduction' for each seperate forum:
1 - Close your forum (in vB Options):
From the standard admin control panel (admincp), close your forum.
SET Forum Active:
2 - Back-up your database:
I'm new to this, so you DEFINATELY want to back up your database PRIOR to making ANY modifications I mention.
3- Add 'x_forumintro' field to your database's table called 'forum':
__________________________________________________ ___
If you're not sure about this, then I wouldn't recommend you doing this hack/modification.
The SQL command (query) to use is:
ALTER TABLE `forum` ADD `x_forumintro` TEXT NOT NULL ;
4 - Make changes to /includes/functions_forumlist.php
First, save your old version of this page as 'functions_forumlist.php.old' (JUST IN CASE)
ADD the new field name to the list of variables (I'm using 'x_forumintro')
$forumfields = 'forum.forumid, lastpost, lastposter, lastthread, lastthreadid, lasticonid, threadcount, replycount';
$forumfields = 'forum.forumid, lastpost, lastposter, lastthread, lastthreadid, lasticonid, threadcount, replycount
, x_forumintro';
5 - Make changes to /admincp/forum.php:
First, save your old version of this page as 'forum.php.old' (JUST IN CASE)
Note that only the two middle lines are added. I added the rest so you know where to put it.
print_textarea_row($vbphrase['description'], 'forum[description]', $forum['description']);
print_input_row($vbphrase['forum_link'], 'forum[link]', $forum['link']);
print_textarea_row($vbphrase['description'], 'forum[description]', $forum['description']);
print_textarea_row('Forum Introduction', 'forum[x_forumintro]', $forum['x_forumintro']);
print_input_row($vbphrase['forum_link'], 'forum[link]', $forum['link']);
6 - In 'Forum Display' template:
Insert to location you want intro to be placed (tip: use a table for formating):