Originally Posted by DarkSavior
Check what your config.php settings are for vbulletin in the admin directory, then just fill the info from them.
I did that and I still get this error.
Does anyone know what file or directory it is looking for?
Warning: OpenDir: No such file or directory (errno 2) in /home/ Mysite /public_html/forum/alice/src/admin/botloaderfuncs.php on line 531
Warning: readdir(): supplied argument is not a valid Directory resource in /home/ Mysite /public_html/forum/alice/src/admin/botloaderfuncs.php on line 532
Warning: closedir(): supplied argument is not a valid Directory resource in /home/ Mysite /public_html/forum/alice/src/admin/botloaderfuncs.php on line 540
Inserted 0 categories into database
WARNING! You should password protect the admin directory or remove the botloader.php script or people may be able to abuse your server.
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