When I tried to load in the HTL version, I got a database error...
I went to "Install Hack" via the HTL, and chose the "Auto-Populate Navbar popup menu [for Erwin's Flash Player]" from the list. Then I hit the confirm button, and it wasn't happy. Any ideas?
Database error in vBulletin 3.0.0 Release Candidate 3:
Invalid SQL: INSERT INTO hacklog (hacklogid, hackid, modname, modtype, linenumber, changetype, userid, oldcode, newcode, dateline, lastmodified, notes) VALUES ('', 1, 'navbar', 1, 0, 1, 283, '<!-- / NAVBAR POPUP MENUS -->
', ' <if condition=\"$show[\'member\']\"> // remove this line and the endif if you wish all users and guests to view the menu
<!-- flash player auto-menu -->
<div class=\"vbmenu_popup\" id=\"flashplayer_menu\" style=\"display:none\">
<table cellpadding=\"4\" cellspacing=\"1\" border=\"0\">
<tr><td class=\"thead\">$vbphrase[flashplayer_title]</td></tr>
<!-- / flash player auto-menu -->
', 1075184306, 1075203260, ''), ('', 1, 'navbar', 1, 0, 1, 283, ' <if condition=\"$show[\'searchbuttons\']\">
<td class=\"vbmenu_control\"><a href=\"$vboptions[bburl]/search.php?$session[sessionurl]do=getnew\">$vbphrase[new_posts]</a></td>
<td id=\"navbar_search\" class=\"vbmenu_control\"><a href=\"$vboptions[bburl]/search.php?$session[sessionurl]\">$vbphrase[search]</a> <script type=\"text/javascript\"> vbmenu_register(\"navbar_search\"); </script></td>
', ' <if condition=\"$show[\'member\']\">
<td id=\"flashplayer\" class=\"vbmenu_control\"><a href=\"#flashplayer\">$vbphrase[flashplayer_title]</a> <script type=\"text/javascript\"> vbmenu_register(\"flashplayer\"); </script></td>
', 1075184306, 1075203260, ''), ('', 1, 'includes/functions.php', 0, 0, 1, 283, '/*======================================================================*\\
|| ####################################################################
|| # Downloaded: 20:02, Wed Jan 21st 2004
|| # CVS: $RCSfile: functions.php,v $ - $Revision: 1.934 $
|| ####################################################################
', 'function genFlashMenu($flashdir) {
global $vboptions;
$swfarray = getInstalledGames($flashdir);
foreach ($swfarray as $filename) {
$playvar = substr($filename, 0, strpos($filename,\".\"));
$displayname = properCase($playvar);
$flashmenu.= \"\\t\\t<tr><td class=\\\"vbmenu_option\\\"><a href=\\\"$vboptions[bburl]/flash.php?play=\".$playvar.\"\\\">$displayname</a></td></tr>\\n\";
return $flashmenu;
function getInstalledGames($flashdir) {
$dh = opendir( $flashdir );
while( false !== ($file = readdir( $dh ))) {
// look for these file types....
if (eregi(\"(swf)$\",$file)) {
$swfs[] = $file;
return $swfs;
function properCase($text) {
$firstLetter = substr($text,0,1);
$rest = substr($text,1,strlen($text));
$spitout = strtoupper($firstLetter).$rest;
return $spitout;
', 1075184209, 1075203260, ''), ('', 1, 'global.php', 0, 0, 1, 283, '/*======================================================================*\\
|| ####################################################################
|| # Downloaded: 20:02, Wed Jan 21st 2004
|| # CVS: $RCSfile: global.php,v $ - $Revision: 1.240 $
|| ####################################################################
', ' $flashdir = \'/full path to your/forums/games/\'; // alter this variable to match your forum setup
$nav_flash = genFlashMenu($flashdir);
', 1075184209, 1075203260, '<span style=\'font-size:larger\'><b>NOTE</b>: you MUST alter the path variable <b>$flashdir</b> here to match your forum setup.</span>')
mysql error: Unknown column 'changetype' in 'field list'
mysql error number: 1054
Date: Tuesday 27th of January 2004 01:37:35 PM
Script: http://*/hackadmin.php
Referer: http://*/hackadmin.php
Username: Atwookie
IP Address: *.*.*.*