digitalSite - vBulletin apparently changed the way some of the calendar functions work in one of their receint versions. If you'll open your adv_index.php file and look for this line:
PHP Code:
Right below that add:
PHP Code:
define('THIS_SCRIPT', 'adv_index');
Then open your includes/functions.php file and look for:
PHP Code:
if (THIS_SCRIPT == 'online' OR THIS_SCRIPT == 'calendar' OR (THIS_SCRIPT == 'index' AND $vboptions['showevents']))
Replace that with:
PHP Code:
if (THIS_SCRIPT == 'online' OR THIS_SCRIPT == 'calendar' OR THIS_SCRIPT == 'adv_index' OR (THIS_SCRIPT == 'index' AND $vboptions['showevents']))
GameMania - At the moment, no. That section is coded the way it is to help prevent broken vbcode tags for when a tag isn't ended before the cut off. I've tried finding a good solution and a way to end the quote if there is one that isn't ended, but I'm not sure if that's going to be possible. I will try to look into that some more before I release the next version though.