Originally Posted by KuraFire
Seeing as how the HTL will most probably be released tomorrow night, I see no reason why not to, yeah.
And waiting with hacks for their HTL-versions is a very good idea, too. Away with all the nasty instructions.txt's and install.txt's and "add the contents of template_something.txt as a new template in your database", etc. etc. etc.!
By the way, thanks for all your questions so far, guys!  The documentation is nearing completion! 
Ok... I got a question
How hard is it to actually keep your board up to date with it? Like when I upgrade to a new version of vBulletin do you think it will not mess up much of the HTL?
Well here is another good one... how exactly will hack making be done with HTL (I already know a bit of how but not all the ins and outs)?
Thanks Kura!