Originally Posted by Oblivion Knight
Was the commar left off the end of this line for a reason.? The lines above it all have a commar at the end of the number.. I added it myself, but I'd like confirmation whether or not it was left off intentionally.
To be quite honest, according to my php knowledge the comma isn't required at the end value of an array. Commas are used to space each value of an array and will cause a php error if you do not add a comma to seperate the array values. But I do not believe it is required at the end of an array nor have I ever used one at the end value of an array. As to whether the vbulletin devs have different reasonings or as to specifically why they added the comma to the end value I do not know, you would have to confront or contact them regarding the issue. But having or not having the comma does not create a php error regardless so you can keep the comma there if you like. Hopefully that will give you some insight into the situation.